Orcina news

Here you will find the latest news on the development of OrcaFlex. Alongside our LinkedIn page, it is a valuable source of information about what we are up to!

OrcaFlex 11.5

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.5 is OrcaFlex 11.5b.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.5 can be viewed online:

The documentation can also be downloaded for offline use:

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.5b, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page will be sent to your software administration contact in the next few days. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

Note that if you are using FlexNet licenses, these must be upgraded in order to use version 11.5. Again, instructions on how to do that will be sent to your software administration contact in the next few days.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.5 is available in the news section.

Known bugs in version 11.5b


  • Deleting a body from a multibody group in a variation model or restart analysis can result in an unexpected program error.
  • The edit data as text feature can fail to apply modifications to the model in some situations. This happens for variation models or restart analyses with parent models in different folders from the child.


  • The edit data as text feature can fail to apply modifications to the model in some situations. This happens for variation models or restart analyses with parent models in different folders from the child.

These bugs will be fixed in version 11.5c.

OrcaFlex 11.4

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.4 is OrcaFlex 11.4e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.4 can be viewed online:

The documentation can also be downloaded for offline use:

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.4e, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.4a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.4 is available in the news section.

Known bugs in version 11.4e


OrcaFlex 11.3

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.3 is OrcaFlex 11.3g.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.3 can be viewed online:

The documentation can also be downloaded for offline use:

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.3g, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.3a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.3 is available in the news section.

Known bugs in version 11.3g


OrcaFlex 11.2

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.2 is OrcaFlex 11.2e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.2 can be viewed online:

The documentation can also be downloaded for offline use:

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.2e, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.2a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.2 is available in the news section.

Known bugs in version 11.2e





OrcaFlex 11.1

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.1 is OrcaFlex 11.1e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.1 can be viewed online:

The documentation can also be downloaded for offline use:

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.1e, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.1a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.1 is available in the news section.

OrcaFlex 11.0

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.0 is OrcaFlex 11.0g.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.0 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 11.0 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.0g from 11.0a or 11.0b, download the following ZIP file:


and execute the .msp patch file that it contains.

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.0g from 11.0c or 11.0d, download the following ZIP file:


and execute the .msp patch file that it contains.

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.0g from 11.0e or 11.0f, download the following ZIP file:


and execute the .msp patch file that it contains.

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.0g from 10.3 or earlier, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.0a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.0 is available in the news section.

OrcaFlex 10.3

The latest release of OrcaFlex 10.3 is OrcaFlex 10.3e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 10.3 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 10.3 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.3e from 10.3a, 10.3b, 10.3c or 10.3d, download the following ZIP file:


and execute the .msp patch file that it contains.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in 10.3 is available in the news section.

OrcaFlex 10.2

The latest release of OrcaFlex 10.2 is OrcaFlex 10.2d.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 10.2 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 10.2 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.2d from 10.2a, 10.2b or 10.2c, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in 10.2 is available in the news section.

OrcaFlex 10.1

The latest release of OrcaFlex 10.1 is OrcaFlex 10.1e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 10.1 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 10.1 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.1e from 10.1c or 10.1d, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.1e from 10.1a or 10.1b, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in 10.1 is available on our news page.

OrcaFlex 10.0

The latest release of OrcaFlex 10.0 is OrcaFlex 10.0e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 10.0 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 10.0 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.0e from 10.0c or 10.0d, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.0e from 10.0a or 10.0b, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in 10.0 is available on our news page.