Orcina news

Here you will find the latest news on the development of OrcaFlex. Alongside our LinkedIn page, it is a valuable source of information about what we are up to!

OrcaFlex 11.4

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.4 is OrcaFlex 11.4c.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.4 can be viewed online:

The documentation can also be downloaded for offline use:

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.4c, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.4a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.4 is available in the news section.

Known bugs in version 11.4c


  • Spurious tracked changes appear in the depth column of the profiled seabed data table when opening a text variation or restart file.
  • An access violation error may occur when opening a data form after loading a variation model or restart analysis from a binary data or simulation file created by version 11.1.
  • End B of a prescribed statics line can never begin a dynamics only restart analysis from its calculated position at the end of the parent analysis. Normally, this state is inherited if the end B position data is unchanged between the parent and child analyses, but this is impossible to arrange for this particular case.
  • Setting integer data items using variables in a text data file can sometimes fail, with an unexpected program error.
  • Exported spreadsheet files with .xlsx format can sometimes contain sheet names that are not valid Excel sheet names. These files cannot be opened by Excel. Excel sheet names must be no more than 31 characters long, must not start or finish with ‘, and must not contain any of the following characters: / \ ? * : [ ]. In future releases of OrcaFlex, any such sheet names will be normalised before being exported, with invalid characters being replaced by the _ character.
  • Dynamics only restart analyses do not run for models with winches whose statics control mode have been changed relative to the parent analysis.
  • Running a line feeding model with an open range graph can sometimes result in an access violation error.
  • Line feeding restarts sometimes fail to converge when a node is fed out in the first time step of the restart analysis.
  • The default value of the vessel characteristic force (the value used when the characteristic force has been set to ~) is calculated from the vessel type properties without correctly accounting for Froude scaling. This only affects vessels whose length is not ~.
  • The stiffness Jacobian associated with vessel wind loading contains a very small error. This only affects frequency domain analysis and its influence on results is expected to be very small.
  • Line contact force results are reported incorrectly for protected line nodes whose contact diameters are greater than that of the corresponding stiffener line node. In this scenario the contact force is always reported as zero, even if it is non-zero. The bug only affects the reporting of results. The contact forces used by the analysis are correct, even though they are reported incorrectly.
  • Line seabed normal resistance and seabed normal resistance/D results do not account for the bespoke seabed contact properties of seabed sections. The bug only affects the reporting of results. The seabed contact forces used by the analysis are correct, even though they are reported incorrectly.
  • In a restart analysis, connecting an existing object to a newly-added (i.e. added as part of the restart) constraint may not work as expected, and the existing object may end up in the wrong position.
  • Models using expansion tables sometimes raise an access violation error. This happens if any line using an expansion table also uses one of the following features: externally calculated applied loads, externally calculated stiffness data, stiffness external results or hysteretic bend stiffness.


  • Loading a binary variation or restart file fails to restore the change tracking state for wave spectra data.
  • Models using a units system that is non-inertial, for example US units, display incorrect hydrostatic results for body mass and inertia matrix in the mesh details spreadsheet.

These bugs will be fixed in 11.4d.

OrcaFlex 11.3

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.3 is OrcaFlex 11.3g.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.3 can be viewed online:

The documentation can also be downloaded for offline use:

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.3g, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.3a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.3 is available in the news section.

Known bugs in version 11.3g


OrcaFlex 11.2

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.2 is OrcaFlex 11.2e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.2 can be viewed online:

The documentation can also be downloaded for offline use:

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.2e, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.2a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.2 is available in the news section.

Known bugs in version 11.2e





OrcaFlex 11.1

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.1 is OrcaFlex 11.1e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.1 can be viewed online:

The documentation can also be downloaded for offline use:

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.1e, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.1a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.1 is available in the news section.

OrcaFlex 11.0

The latest release of OrcaFlex 11.0 is OrcaFlex 11.0g.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.0 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 11.0 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.0g from 11.0a or 11.0b, download the following ZIP file:


and execute the .msp patch file that it contains.

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.0g from 11.0c or 11.0d, download the following ZIP file:


and execute the .msp patch file that it contains.

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.0g from 11.0e or 11.0f, download the following ZIP file:


and execute the .msp patch file that it contains.

To upgrade to OrcaFlex 11.0g from 10.3 or earlier, download the install program from your company’s Orcina software download page. A link to this page was sent to your software administration contact when we released 11.0a. If you do not have access to this page, please contact us.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in OrcaFlex 11.0 is available in the news section.

OrcaFlex 10.3

The latest release of OrcaFlex 10.3 is OrcaFlex 10.3e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 10.3 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 10.3 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.3e from 10.3a, 10.3b, 10.3c or 10.3d, download the following ZIP file:


and execute the .msp patch file that it contains.

A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in 10.3 is available in the news section.

OrcaFlex 10.2

The latest release of OrcaFlex 10.2 is OrcaFlex 10.2d.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 10.2 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 10.2 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.2d from 10.2a, 10.2b or 10.2c, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in 10.2 is available in the news section.

OrcaFlex 10.1

The latest release of OrcaFlex 10.1 is OrcaFlex 10.1e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 10.1 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 10.1 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.1e from 10.1c or 10.1d, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.1e from 10.1a or 10.1b, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in 10.1 is available on our news page.

OrcaFlex 10.0

The latest release of OrcaFlex 10.0 is OrcaFlex 10.0e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 10.0 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 10.0 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.0e from 10.0c or 10.0d, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 10.0e from 10.0a or 10.0b, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in 10.0 is available on our news page.

OrcaFlex 9.8

The latest release of OrcaFlex 9.8 is OrcaFlex 9.8e.

The new features introduced in OrcaFlex 9.8 can be viewed online in the OrcaFlex help file. The OrcaFlex 9.8 help file can also be downloaded:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 9.8e from 9.8c or 9.8d, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


To upgrade to OrcaFlex 9.8e from 9.8a or 9.8b, download the following ZIP file and execute the .msp patch file that it contains:


A more in depth discussion of the major new features introduced in 9.8 is available on our news page.