OrcaFlex videos

We have created a number of video resources to help you use OrcaFlex as productively as possible.

These include a series of training videos covering the basics of using OrcaFlex, a set of tutorials answering commonly asked OrcaFlex questions, a gallery of videos, including recordings of recent user group meetings, presenting the new features in recent releases, and finally, a set of short application videos.

If you think a video for a topic not covered here would be useful, feel free to get in touch with us!

Introduction to OrcaFlex

This series of training videos provide a complete introduction to OrcaFlex and is very similar in content to the 2-day introductory open training course. It is intended as an alternative for those users who are unable to attend a training course.

What’s new in OrcaFlex

With each new release, we create a ‘what’s new’ video detailing the key changes. You will find these videos here, going all the way back to version 9.8.

OrcaFlex tutorials

This gallery features a number of tutorial videos that are short in duration and intended to cover a particular topic of interest, for example, statics convergence. They also answer some frequently asked questions.

OrcaFlex applications

This page features a series of short video clips showcasing some potential applications of OrcaFlex. These are not formal examples and are intended merely as a representation of the type of applications that can be modelled in OrcaFlex.