Results: Selecting results

Each object has associated with it a list of currently selected results.

For details on the results available see:

General results
Environment results
Line results
Drag chain results
3D buoy results
6D buoy results
Vessel results
Winch results
Link results
Shape results
Constraint results

For the currently selected object, its selected results are shown in a list on the results form – you can of course modify this selection. For some result types the list can contain multiple selections.

New columns can be appended to existing time history spreadsheet windows, as follows:

Provided that the selected spreadsheet window is a time history values table, and the time periods for both sets of histories match, then the new time histories will be appended to the active window. This allows you to have a single window containing results from different objects.

Additional results can be appended to existing static state results windows in the same manner.