3D buoys: Results

For general information on selecting and producing results, see the producing results topic.

If the buoy experiences sea state disturbance this will be accounted for in any results that depend on wave elevation and kinematics.

X, Y, Z

Positions of the buoy origin, relative to global axes.

Velocity, GX velocity, GY velocity, GZ velocity,
Acceleration, GX acceleration, GY acceleration, GZ acceleration

The magnitude and components (with respect to global axes) of the velocity and acceleration of the buoy.

Dry length

Length of buoy above the water surface, measured along the buoy $z$-axis. For this purpose, the $z$-extent of a 3D buoy is taken to be height/2 either side of its volume centre.

Sea surface Z

The global $Z$-coordinate of the sea surface directly above or below the instantaneous position of the buoy origin.

Sea surface clearance

The vertical clearance from the buoy origin to the instantaneous sea surface. Negative values indicate submergence.

Sea velocity, sea X velocity, sea Y velocity, sea Z velocity,
Sea acceleration, sea X acceleration, sea Y acceleration, sea Z acceleration

The magnitude and components (with respect to global axes) of the water particle velocity (due to current and waves) and acceleration (due to waves) at the position of the buoy. If the buoy is above the water surface then the value at the water surface is reported.

Connection force, connection GX force, connection GY force, connection GZ force

These connection force results are only available for buoys that are connected to other objects. They report the total force applied to the buoy by the object to which it is connected, including structural inertia loads and added inertia loads.

Connection force reports the magnitude of the connection force. The $GX$, $GY$ and $GZ$ results report the components of the connection force in the global axes directions.

Force, GX force, GY force, GZ force

These results are not available for buoys that are connected to other objects – you can instead use the connection force results for these.

These results are the total force applied to the buoy, excluding structural inertia loads and added inertia loads due to acceleration of the buoy. They include the loads from any objects connected to the buoy, but again exclude structural inertia and added inertia loads on the connected object. The reported loads therefore correspond to the left-hand side of the equation of motion, $\text{total load} = \text{virtual inertia} \times \text{acceleration}$, where virtual inertia is the total structural and added inertia of the buoy and any connected objects.

Force reports the magnitude of the loads. The $GX$, $GY$ and $GZ$ results report the components of the force in the global axes directions.