Shapes: Results

For general information on selecting and producing results, see the producing results topic.

Contact force,
Contact GX force, contact GY force, contact GZ force,
Contact Lx force, contact Ly force and contact Lz force

Available only for elastic solids, these are the magnitude and components of the total force applied by the elastic solid to other objects in the model. The components are reported with respect to both global axes $(G\urm{X}, G\urm{Y}, G\urm{Z})$ and local axes $(L\urm{x}, L\urm{y}, L\urm{z})$.

X, Y, Z

The global coordinates of the shape origin.

Dynamic x, dynamic y and dynamic z

The position of the shape, relative to its static position and with respect to its static orientation. By static position and static orientation we mean the position and orientation in the model's static state. So, if $P\urm{inst}$ is the instantaneous position, and $P\urm{static}$ the static position, then these results report $P\urm{inst} - P\urm{static}$ with respect to the shape's static axis directions.

Rotation 1, rotation 2, rotation 3

The orientation of the shape relative to global axes. These are three successive rotations that take the global axes directions $\GXYZ$ to the shape axes directions $\Sxyz$, applied as follows. First align the shape with global axes, so that $\Sxyz$ are in the same directions as $\GXYZ$. Then apply rotation 1 about $\vec{S}_x (=\vec{G}_X)$, followed by rotation 2 about the new $\vec{S}_y$ direction, and finally rotation 3 about the new (and final) $\vec{S}_z$ direction.

Rotation 2 is in the range -90° to +90°. Range jump suppression is applied to rotation 1 and rotation 3, so values outside the range -360° to +360° might be reported.

Dynamic Rx, dynamic Ry and dynamic Rz

These angles define the orientation of the shape relative to its static orientation. Considered as a vector, $\vec{R} = (R\urm{x}, R\urm{y}, R\urm{z})$ defines the rotation from the static orientation to the instantaneous orientation. The rotation is about the direction of $\vec{R}$, and has magnitude $|\vec{R}|$.

Velocity, GX velocity, GY velocity, GZ velocity,
Acceleration, GX acceleration, GY acceleration, GZ acceleration

The magnitude and components (with respect to global axes) of the velocity and acceleration of the shape origin.