Drag chain results

For general information on selecting and producing results, see the producing results topic.

Azimuth and declination

The azimuth and declination of the drag chain, relative to global axes.

Supported length and hanging length

The supported length is the length deemed to be supported by the seabed. The hanging length is the length of the rest of the drag chain. Supported length plus hanging length is the total length of the drag chain. See drag chain-seabed interaction for details on how these values are calculated.

Drag force

The magnitude of the drag force acting on the drag chain. This includes both the axial and normal components of the drag force.

Axial drag force, normal drag force

The components of drag force axial and normal to the drag chain.

Horizontal drag force, vertical drag force

The horizontal and vertical components of the drag force. For the vertical drag force a positive value indicates an upwards force.