Custom replay wizard

The custom replay wizard allows you to define a series of replay sections. Each replay section can show

Different files can be used for different replay sections.

Custom replay files

When you have built your custom replay you must save it using the file menu or save button on the toolbar. Custom replay files can be opened in a similar way.

We recommend that you save your custom replay file before you start setting up the replay sections, since this will allow you to use relative paths for the OrcaFlex file names.

Custom replay data

Custom replay specifies view parameters (size, position, angles and graphics mode)

If this is not checked then the replay will use the view parameters of the 3D view window in which it appears. In this mode of operation you will be able manually to pan, rotate and zoom the 3D view using the normal buttons and shortcuts.

If this is checked then you will be required to specify the view parameters (view size, view centre, view azimuth, view elevation and graphics mode) for each replay section. This allows you to include panning, rotating and zooming effects in your replay.

We recommend that you leave this unchecked while learning how custom replays work.

Use smoothed panning, rotating and zooming effects

Only available if Custom replay specifies view parameters is checked. If you are panning, rotating and zooming during replay sections then the transition from one section to another can appear to be disjointed. Check this item to smooth the transitions between sections.

Frame interval in real time

OrcaFlex needs to know how fast to play the replay. This value specifies the interval, in real time, between each replay frame, assuming a target replay speed of 100%. If the target replay speed is, say 200%, then the interval between frames will be half this value, and so on.

Replay sections

You can specify any number of replay sections. For each replay section you must also specify the following:

Replay section name

This is a descriptive name for the replay section. When the replay is running OrcaFlex displays a description of the current frame in the message box on the status bar – this includes the replay section name. This description can also be included in exported videos.

OrcaFlex file name

The model to be used for this section – either a data file (.dat or .yml) or a simulation file (.sim).


This setting determines whether the replay section defines snapshots from a dynamic simulation or a static configuration. If the file is a data file then the replay section can show only the static configuration, in which case this value cannot be edited.

The custom replay displays static configurations for a data file by loading the file and then performing the statics calculation. This can be time consuming – static state simulation files can be used instead to avoid the overhead of performing statics each time the replay is shown.

Simulation time from, simulation time to

The period of the dynamic simulation covered by the replay section. These are OrcaFlex simulation times for the specified simulation file of this replay section. If the replay section is a static snapshot, these values are not editable.

Number of frames

The total number of frames in the replay section. If your custom replay is a series of static snapshots then you would usually set this value to 1.

Included in replay

Allows you to exclude certain sections from the replay. This may be useful while developing the custom replay because it allows you to concentrate on particular replay sections.

View parameter data

The following are only available when specifies view parameters is checked.

From view parameters, to view parameters

The view size, view centre, view azimuth and view elevation for the first (from) and last (to) frames of the replay section. The value of each moves smoothly from the first to the last during the replay section. You might find it convenient to copy/paste these values from the view parameters form.

Graphics mode

Specifies either the wire frame or shaded graphics mode for the replay section.

Shaded graphics fill mode

Available only for shaded graphics mode. Specifies either the solid or mesh fill mode for the replay section.

Disturbance vessel and disturbance position

Specifies whether or not the sea surface will be drawn as if disturbed by the presence of a particular vessel, using the given disturbance position.