Line data: Drawing


You can define the colour, line style and thickness of the pens used for drawing the nodes and sections of the line. For wire frame drawing, nodes are drawn as circular discs with diameter equal to the outer contact diameter. For shaded drawing, they are drawn as spheres with diameter equal to the outer contact diameter. In each case, you can turn the node drawing on or off completely.


There is a choice for which pen is used to draw the segments. You can choose the pen explicitly on the line data form, in which case it will be used for all segments of that line. This allows you to use different pens to distinguish between different lines. Alternatively, you can choose to have the segments drawn using the line type pen defined on the line types form, allowing you to distinguish between sections of different line types.


The contact pen is used when drawing nodes and segments which are in contact with the seabed, elastic solids and other lines. You can turn the drawing on or off completely with the draw contact check box.

Node axes colours

Node axis directions $(x, y, z)$ can be given individual colours. This helps distinguish between $x$ and $y$ directions in particular, thus making component results easier to interpret. The node axes are drawn optionally and turned on or off by the node axes preference or the CTRL+ALT+Y shortcut.

Track / spline

For lines with prescribed or spline starting shape, you can control the pen with which the prescribed track or spline is drawn. You can turn the drawing on or off completely with the draw track/spline check box.

Analytic catenary solution grid

For lines that use the analytic catenary representation, the draw solution grid check box can be used to display the grid points at which analytic catenary solutions have been found. Each grid point is drawn at a fixed distance relative to the bottom end of the line (the anchor) in the vertical plane containing both line ends. The orientation of this plane may change if the top end of the line moves during a simulation.

Slug flow

For lines with slug flow contents method, you can control the pen with which the slugs within the line are drawn. You can turn the drawing on or off completely with the draw slug flow check box.