Wave scatter conversion: Introduction

The wave scatter conversion tool converts a scatter table of sea states to a scatter table of regular (i.e. individual) waves. The conversion method uses the formula of Longuet-Higgins, 1983. This gives the joint probability density of individual waves in a random sea. This probability density is determined by the first 3 spectral moments $m_0$, $m_1$ and $m_2$ using the formula of Longuet-Higgins, 1983. Full details of the calculations involved are given in the theory section.

One of the most useful features of the tool is the ability to create text data files, batch scripts and fatigue analysis files corresponding to the calculated regular wave scatter table.

As an alternative you can enter the regular wave scatter table directly, allowing you to take advantage of the automatic export of text data files, batch scripts and fatigue analysis files.

The wave scatter conversion tool is run by selecting the wave scatter conversion command from the OrcaFlex calculation menu. It is essentially a self-contained sub-program within OrcaFlex, with its own menus, data and output. Any OrcaFlex process active in the main window is paused until the wave scatter form is closed. The wave scatter conversion tool has no effect on existing OrcaFlex data.

File menu commands

The commands on the file menu allow you to save, and then reload, the data relating to the wave scatter conversion.


Clears previously entered data and resets it to default values.


Open a wave scatter file (.sct).


Save the data to the currently selected file name (shown in title bar of the window).

Save As

This is the same as save, but allows you to specify the file name to save to.

Open containing folder

Opens a file explorer window and selects the current file.


Displays the system file properties dialog for the current file. This is mainly intended to make it easier to find the full path for files with long names.

Most recent files list

List of the most recently used files. Selecting an item on the list causes the file to be loaded.


Closes the wave scatter form.