Results: Linked statistics

The linked statistics report relates a group of variables for a given object. For a specified group of variables and a specified period of simulation, OrcaFlex finds the minimum and maximum of each variable and reports these extreme values, the times they occurred and the values that all the other variables took at those times. Linked statistics reports are only available for time domain analyses.

The report also includes:

$\mu\ $ mean
$\sigma\ $ standard deviation
RMS root mean square
$T_z\ $ mean up-crossing period, estimated as the average time between successive up-crossings of the mean value $\mu$
$T_c\ $ mean crest period, estimated as the average time between successive local maxima
$m_0\ $ zeroth spectral moment, estimated as $\sigma^2$
$m_2\ $ second spectral moment, estimated as $m_0 / T_z^2$
$m_4\ $ fourth spectral moment estimated as $m_2 / T_c^2$
$\epsilon\ $ spectral bandwidth parameter, estimated as $\left[ 1 - m_2^2/\left( m_0 m_4 \right) \right]^{1/2} = \left[ 1 - \left( T_c/T_z \right)^2 \right]^{1/2}$

To obtain a linked statistics report:

The report is presented in a spreadsheet.

Note: Be careful when interpreting statistics of line clearance and seabed clearance, since these results are already minima – the shortest distance to any other line and to any point on the seabed. For example, the maximum of line contact clearance will be the maximum value that the smallest clearance took during the period.