Importing hydrodynamic data: Hydrostar

The easiest way to import from Hydrostar into OrcaFlex is to write the results in WAMIT format, an option available in more recent versions of Hydrostar. You should be aware that Hydrostar takes account of the effect of the speed of the vessel, and reports results at encounter period or frequency, but OrcaFlex requires the data at actual wave period or frequency: the vessel in your Hydrostar model should not therefore have any forward speed. If you have a WAMIT-format output file, OrcaFlex should recognise it as such and import it as it does native WAMIT .out files, with no need for any markup or other editing of the results file.

If the WAMIT format option is not available to you, Hydrostar has a further option to output results in a format suitable for import directly into ARIANE, and this form is suitable for import into OrcaFlex with the addition of appropriate markup. Such files are usually indicated by the phrase 'pour ARIANE' at the head of the file. The remainder of this topic refers to inporting from files of this 'Hydrostar-for-ARIANE' format.

You should take care in setting the direction conventions; as can be seen in the examples below, the Hydrostar direction conventions differ from the default OrcaFlex ones. Not only this, but the native Hydrostar axis conventions differ from the Hydrostar-for-ARIANE ones: you should be aware that the conventions shown in the examples here are specifically those appropriate to the 'for ARIANE' form of Hydrostar output.


The required markup, and the setting of conventions and units, for displacement RAOs is shown in this example. Note that Hydrostar outputs the 'horizontal' components of the RAOs first, then the 'vertical' components: you must take particular care here to order the column headers correctly.

Newman QTFs

Data for horizontal-plane QTFs (surge, sway and yaw) are shown in this example, with the necessary mark-up and the setting of conventions and units for import. OrcaFlex will set the data for the degrees of freedom which are not imported (heave, roll and pitch in this case) to zero. Horizontal-plane data in this form are common for vessels with large water plane areas, such as barges, tankers, etc.

Added mass and damping

Full $6{\times}6$ added mass and damping matrices are output, without any normalising or scaling factors, and can be imported by the addition of the required markup text. A short example of marked-up Hydrostar output is given, specifically of Hydrostar-for-ARIANE output.


Hydrostar/ARIANE data – displacement RAOs

# RAO.DAT pour ARIANE --- corps Nø 1
5 9

[some directions removed for brevity]

*** OrcaFlex Conventions Start ***
RAOResponseUnits = degrees
RAOWaveUnit = amplitude
RAOPhaseConvention = leads
RAOPhaseUnitsConvention = degrees
RAOPhaseRelativeToConvention = trough
SurgePositive = forward
SwayPositive = starboard
HeavePositive = down
RollPositiveStarboard = down
PitchPositiveBow = up
YawPositiveBow = starboard
*** OrcaFlex Conventions End ***

*** OrcaFlex Units Start ***
LengthUnits = m
*** OrcaFlex Units End ***

# L'incidence : 1
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 180
 WFR     XA       XP    YA       YP   RZA      RZP     ZA       ZP   RXA   RXP   RYA      RYP
.100 4.1547 270.5793 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9955 359.9965 .0000 .0000 .2318 270.8361
.125 3.3276 270.7295 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9929 359.9929 .0000 .0000 .2910 271.0501
.150 2.7767 270.8832 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9896 359.9872 .0000 .0000 .3508 271.2675
.175 2.3835 271.0417 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9857 359.9788 .0000 .0000 .4117 271.4891
.200 2.0888 271.2054 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9810 359.9669 .0000 .0000 .4736 271.7159
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO End ***
# L'incidence : 3
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 135
 WFR     XA       XP    YA       YP   RZA      RZP     ZA       ZP   RXA   RXP   RYA      RYP
.100 2.9463 270.4099 2.8875 270.2152 .7448 318.3468 .9978 .0000 .1674 90.0000 .1642 270.7739
.125 2.3637 270.5172 2.3157 270.2701 .6865 324.9076 .9966 359.9967 .2113 90.5975 .2062 270.9714
.150 1.9766 270.6270 1.9356 270.3259 .6558 330.0452 .9950 359.9939 .2567 90.7180 .2489 271.1717
.175 1.7011 270.7406 1.6650 270.3825 .6401 334.1465 .9930 359.9897 .3039 90.8389 .2923 271.3755
.200 1.4954 270.8585 1.4628 270.4402 .6336 337.4894 .9908 359.9838 .3535 90.9596 .3368 271.5836
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO End ***
# L'incidence : 5
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 90
 WFR     XA       XP    YA       YP   RZA      RZP     ZA       ZP   RXA   RXP   RYA      RYP
.100 .0000 180.0000 4.0929 270.0249 .7072 270.0000 1.0001 .0000 .2373 90.0000 .0000 .0000
.125 .0001 360.0000 3.2868 270.0016 .5673 270.0000 1.0002 .0000 .3001 90.0000 .0000 .0000
.150 .0001 360.0000 2.7519 270.0024 .4743 270.0000 1.0003 .0019 .3652 90.0000 .0024 .0000
.175 .0002 360.0000 2.3720 270.0036 .4081 270.0000 1.0004 .0028 .4335 90.0000 .0033 .0000
.200 .0002 360.0000 2.0891 270.0052 .3587 270.0000 1.0006 .0040 .5055 90.0000 .0044 .0000
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO End ***
# L'incidence : 7
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 45
 WFR     XA       XP    YA       YP   RZA      RZP     ZA       ZP   RXA   RXP   RYA      RYP
.100 2.9463 89.5911 2.8875 269.7867 .7448 221.6542 .9978 .0000 .1674 90.0000 .1642 89.2278
.125 2.3637 89.4851 2.3157 269.7331 .6865 215.0938 .9966 .0026 .2113 89.3858 .2062 89.0313
.150 1.9766 89.3772 1.9356 269.6791 .6558 209.9567 .9950 .0049 .2567 89.2515 .2489 88.8326
.175 1.7011 89.2660 1.6650 269.6248 .6401 205.8560 .9931 .0082 .3040 89.1103 .2923 88.6309
.200 1.4954 89.1508 1.4629 269.5701 .6335 202.5138 .9908 .0129 .3535 88.9602 .3368 88.4257
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO End ***
# L'incidence : 9
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 0
 WFR     XA       XP    YA       YP   RZA      RZP     ZA       ZP   RXA   RXP   RYA      RYP
.100 4.1547 89.4225 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9955 .0000 .0000 .0000 .2318 89.1656
.125 3.3276 89.2731 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9929 .0034 .0000 .0000 .2910 88.9526
.150 2.7766 89.1208 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9897 .0049 .0000 .0000 .3508 88.7367
.175 2.3835 88.9648 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9857 .0116 .0000 .0000 .4116 88.5171
.200 2.0887 88.8035 .0000 180.0000 .0000 180.0000 .9810 .0185 .0000 .0000 .4736 88.2930
*** OrcaFlex Displacement RAO End ***

Hydrostar/ARIANE data – QTFs

# QTF.DAT for ARIANE --- Body Nø 1
4 5
*** OrcaFlex Conventions Start ***
SurgePositive = forward
SwayPositive = starboard
HeavePositive = down
RollPositiveStarboard = down
PitchPositiveBow = up
YawPositiveBow = starboard
*** OrcaFlex Conventions End ***

*** OrcaFlex Units Start ***
LengthUnits = m
ForceUnits = kN
*** OrcaFlex Units End ***

# Incidence : 1
*** OrcaFlex QTF Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 180
 WFR  surge  sway   yaw
.100 -.0000 .0000 .0000
.125 .0000 .0000 .0000
.150 .0000 .0000 .0000
.175 -1.0000 .0000 .0000
*** OrcaFlex QTF End ***
# Incidence : 2
*** OrcaFlex QTF Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 157.5
 WFR  surge  sway   yaw
.100 .0000 .0000 16.0300
.125 .0000 .0000 31.1000
.150 -1.0100 .0000 65.3900
.175 .0000 -2.0000 128.5800
*** OrcaFlex QTF End ***
# Incidence : 3
*** OrcaFlex QTF Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 135
 WFR  surge  sway   yaw
.100 .0000 .0000 18.2500
.125 .0000 .0000 29.4000
.150 -2.0000 -4.0000 54.2700
.175 -3.0000 -5.0000 99.4000
*** OrcaFlex QTF End ***
# Incidence : 4
*** OrcaFlex QTF Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 112.5
 WFR  surge  sway   yaw
.100 .0000 .0000 9.8400
.125 .0000 .0000 10.2400
.150 -1.0000 -6.0000 10.5800
.175 -2.0000 -7.0000 8.4000
*** OrcaFlex QTF End ***
# Incidence : 5
*** OrcaFlex QTF Start ***
Draught "Hydrostar Test"
Direction 0
 WFR  surge  sway   yaw
.100 .0000 .0000 .3600
.125 .0000 .0000 1.0800
.150 .0000 .0000 2.4100
.175 1.0000 .0000 4.1100
*** OrcaFlex QTF End ***

Hydrostar/ARIANE data – added mass and damping

[Header and hydrostatic data omitted for brevity]

*** OrcaFlex Conventions Start ***
SurgePositive = forward
SwayPositive = starboard
HeavePositive = down
RollPositiveStarboard = down
PitchPositiveBow = up
YawPositiveBow = starboard
*** OrcaFlex Conventions End ***

               Wave frequence     :   0.100 r/s
               Advancing speed    :   0.000 m/s
               Waterdepth         : 125.000 m

 Added-mass matrix (dimensionnelle) - corps :   1  1
*** OrcaFlex Added Mass Matrix Start ***
Draught ADraught
WFR 0.1
              1            2            3            4            5            6
 1  0.77236E+07  0.00000E+00  0.49810E+07  2.00000E+06  0.14602E+10  3.00000E+07
 2  0.00000E+00  0.10197E+09  1.00000E+05  0.88845E+08  4.00000E+08  0.68650E+09
 3  0.48923E+07  1.00000E+05  0.32304E+09  0.00000E+00  0.13274E+09  0.00000E+00
 4  2.00000E+06  0.91038E+08  0.00000E+00  0.58958E+10  6.00000E+08  0.85520E+10
 5  0.14698E+10  4.00000E+08  0.12750E+09  6.00000E+08  0.61420E+12  0.00000E+00
 6  3.00000E+07  0.68628E+09  0.00000E+00  0.86140E+10  0.00000E+00  0.29068E+12
*** OrcaFlex Added Mass Matrix End ***

 Radiation damping matrix (dimensionnelle) - corps :   1  1
*** OrcaFlex Damping Matrix Start ***
Draught ADraught
WFR 0.1
              1            2            3            4            5            6
 1  0.14433E+05  0.00000E+00  0.43358E+03  0.00000E+00  0.37921E+07  0.00000E+00
 2  0.00000E+00  0.44273E+05  0.00000E+00 -0.40313E+05  0.00000E+00  0.29116E+06
 3 -0.72078E+04  0.00000E+00  0.15313E+08  0.00000E+00  0.25640E+08  0.00000E+00
 4  0.00000E+00 -0.39081E+05  0.00000E+00  0.36227E+05  0.00000E+00 -0.23325E+06
 5  0.38150E+07  0.00000E+00  0.25120E+08  0.00000E+00  0.10475E+10  0.00000E+00
 6  0.00000E+00  0.28974E+06  0.00000E+00 -0.23973E+06  0.00000E+00  0.27973E+07
*** OrcaFlex Damping Matrix End ***

 Viscous damping matrix (dimensionnelle) - corps :  1  1
              1            2            3            4            5            6
 1  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00
 2  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00
 3  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00
 4  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.37160E+11  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00
 5  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00
 6  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00

          First order diffraction loadings (dimensionnels) on corps  1
            (Freq:  0.100 r/s  Incidence : 180.0 deg  V:  0.000 m/s)

[Data omitted for brevity]

Wave frequence     :   0.125 r/s
               Advancing speed    :   0.000 m/s
               Waterdepth         : 125.000 m

 Added-mass matrix (dimensionnelle) - corps :   1  1
*** OrcaFlex Added Mass Matrix Start ***
Draught ADraught
WFR 0.125
              1            2            3            4            5            6
 1  0.78437E+07  0.00000E+00  0.50207E+07  0.00000E+00  0.14867E+10  0.00000E+00
 2  0.00000E+00  0.10325E+09  0.00000E+00  0.89271E+08  0.00000E+00  0.69793E+09
 3  0.49438E+07  0.00000E+00  0.29988E+09  0.00000E+00  0.10810E+09  0.00000E+00
 4  0.00000E+00  0.91508E+08  0.00000E+00  0.58988E+10  0.00000E+00  0.86070E+10
 5  0.14966E+10  0.00000E+00  0.10369E+09  0.00000E+00  0.62076E+12  0.00000E+00
 6  0.00000E+00  0.69770E+09  0.00000E+00  0.86691E+10  0.00000E+00  0.29263E+12
*** OrcaFlex Added Mass Matrix End ***

 Radiation damping matrix (dimensionnelle) - corps :   1  1
*** OrcaFlex Damping Matrix Start ***
Draught ADraught
WFR 0.125
              1            2            3            4            5            6
 1  0.29317E+05  0.00000E+00  0.12581E+04  0.00000E+00  0.76721E+07  0.00000E+00
 2  0.00000E+00  0.92638E+05  0.00000E+00 -0.81631E+05  0.00000E+00  0.61237E+06
 3 -0.82068E+04  0.00000E+00  0.18951E+08  0.00000E+00  0.33046E+08  0.00000E+00
 4  0.00000E+00 -0.79031E+05  0.00000E+00  0.71790E+05  0.00000E+00 -0.44307E+06
 5  0.77274E+07  0.00000E+00  0.32410E+08  0.00000E+00  0.20825E+10  0.00000E+00
 6  0.00000E+00  0.60942E+06  0.00000E+00 -0.45661E+06  0.00000E+00  0.69978E+07
*** OrcaFlex Damping Matrix End ***