Fatigue analysis: Results for histogram collation

Fatigue results are presented in a separate window, in both graphical and tabular form.

Results graphs

The results graphs display the cycle histograms for the selected variable. Each histogram is presented at a specific result point, which you define by selecting the arc length and, if applicable, the cross section position.

Histograms can be displayed for individual load cases, or combined over all load cases. In the latter case, the cycle rates are combined accounting for the relative exposure times of each load case.

Results tables

The results tables presents this same information in a spreadsheet containing a number of pages: a sheet for combined cycle rates, and one for each load case. The latter also include general information, such as the environmental data that applied to that load case.

Saving and printing

You can save the results by exporting the spreadsheet, as an Excel sheet or plain text. The results can be printed directly from OrcaFlex, but for more control we recommend that you export them in Excel format and then print from Excel.

Customising results output

The tabular results output can be customised using the options on the results page of the main fatigue form.

Output load case tables

You can choose to omit the individual load case sheets from the fatigue results. This can significantly reduce the time and memory required to generate the results tables.

Histogram cycle units

Cycles may be reported per hour, per day or per year.

Histogram bin reported as

The location of each histogram bin is reported as either the upper endpoint or the midpoint.