
The TVesselInstantaneousCalculationData contains information about the instantaneous state of a vessel. This information is available for applied load external functions for vessels.

typedef struct {

int Size;

TVector Position;

TMatrix Orientation;

TVector Velocity;

TVector AngularVelocity;

TVector LFPosition;

TMatrix LFOrientation;

TVector LFVelocity;

TVector LFAngularVelocity;

TVector WFPosition;

TMatrix WFOrientation;

TVector WFVelocity;

TVector WFAngularVelocity;

} TVesselInstantaneousCalculationData;



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure.

Position, Orientation, Velocity, AngularVelocity

These members give the position and velocity of the vessel origin due to all vessel motion (including superimposed motion if any is specified), as follows:

LFPosition, LFOrientation, LFVelocity, LFAngularVelocity

These are the same as Position, Orientation, Velocity and AngularVelocity, described above, except they only include the low frequency part of the primary motion. They are expressed as components in the same way as the total primary position and motion results, described above.

WFPosition, WFOrientation, WFVelocity, WFAngularVelocity

These are the same as Position, Orientation, Velocity and AngularVelocity, except they only include the wave frequency part of the primary motion, and they are relative to the low frequency position and orientation of the vessel. They therefore report the total primary motion position and velocity of the vessel, relative to its position and velocity after only the low frequency part of the primary motion has been applied. In particular:

See also

TExtFnInfo, Instantaneous Calculation Data.