TVector, TMatrix

These types are declared as either arrays or as structures. If the conditional compilation flag _IndexedVectorsAndMatrices_ is defined in your project then the array declaration will be used – otherwise the structure declaration will be used.

#ifdef _IndexedVectorsAndMatrices_

typedef double TVector[3];

typedef TVector TMatrix[3];


typedef struct { double X, Y, Z; } TVector;

typedef struct { TVector X, Y, Z; } TMatrix;


In addition to the three dimensional types above, there are two and six dimensional variants.

#ifdef _IndexedVectorsAndMatrices_

typedef double TVector2[2];

typedef double TVector6[6];

typedef TVector2 TMatrix2[2];

typedef TVector6 TMatrix6[6];


typedef struct { double X, Y; } TVector2;

typedef struct { double TX, TY, TZ, RX, RY, RZ; } TVector6;

typedef struct { TVector2 X, Y; } TMatrix2;

typedef struct { TVector6 TX, TY, TZ, RX, RY, RZ; } TMatrix6;
