
The TExtFnResultInfo defines an external function result.

typedef struct {

int Size;

int ID;


LPCWSTR lpUnits;

} TExtFnResultInfo;



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure. Set this member to sizeof(TExtFnResultInfo) before calling a function with a TExtFnResultInfo parameter.


The ID of the result. This ID is passed in the ResultID field of the TExtFnInfo structure on eaLogResultCreate, eaLogResultDestroy and eaDeriveResults actions.


A pointer to a string containing the result name.


A pointer to a string containing the result units. The string should be one of the predefined units string codes that OrcaFlex recognises, details of these codes and the units OrcaFlex will substitute under SI and US systems are documented for the equivalent Python API structure: Python external functions: ExternalFunctionInfo.

Note: If the units string is "deg" then range jump suppression will be performed for the result.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode structure name is TExtFnResultInfoW and the ANSI structure name is TExtFnResultInfoA.

See also

TExtFnInfo, C_RegisterExternalFunctionResult, Native External Functions and Native external functions: Results.