Winch theory

Static analysis

The winch control mode in statics may be set to either specified length or specified tension.

Specified length

The unstretched length of wire paid out, $l_0$, is set to the specified length for the static analysis, and the wire tension $t$ and winch drive force $f$ are determined from the equation \begin{equation} \label{statics} t = f = k \epsilon \end{equation} where

$k=$ wire stiffness

$\epsilon=$ wire strain $= (l-l_0)/l_0$

$l=$ total length of the winch wire path.

Specified tension

The wire tension $t$ and winch drive force $f$ are both set to the specified tension for the static analysis, and the unstretched length paid out, $l_0$, is then determined so as to satisfy the wire tension in equation (\ref{statics}) above.

Dynamic analysis

Winch control throughout the dynamic analysis may take a number of different forms: it may be given for the whole simulation or individually for each stage; it can define constant values, change in value or rate of change; and it may be constant, time-varying or defined by external function. In all cases, however, at any one time the winch is either length-controlled or tension-controlled, and we can calculate its properties accordingly.


Whatever the form of the control over the winch length, we can determine at any time the unstretched length of winch wire paid out, $l_0$. The winch wire tension $t$ (which is applied to each point on the wire) is then given by the dynamic form of equation (\ref{statics}) \begin{equation} \label{dynamics} t = \max\left\{0,\ k \epsilon + c k \ODt{\epsilon} \right\} \end{equation} where

$k$ and $c$ are the wire stiffness and wire damping values given on the winch data form

$\ODt{\epsilon}=$ wire strain rate $= \frac{1}{l_0} \left(\ODt{l}-\ODt{l_0}\right)$

$l=$ total length of the winch wire path.

Note: The winch wire is not allowed to go into compression, so the $\max$ function in equation (\ref{dynamics}) ensures that $t$ is never negative.


Tension-controlled winches may specify a tension value directly or indirectly (through a change, or rate of change); that value is the target tension $t_\textrm{target}$ which the winch drive aims to achieve.

For simple winches, the drive is always assumed to achieve the target tension instantaneously, so $t_\textrm{target}$ is the actual winch wire tension.

For detailed winches, the winch drive tries to achieve the target tension by applying a drive force to one side of the winch inertia, opposing the wire tension being applied to the other side. The drive force $f$ applied is then a function of payout rate $v$ \begin{equation} f(v) = \begin{cases} f(0) - d + c\urm{i} v - d\urm{i} v^2 & v \lt 0 \\ f(0) & v = 0 \\ f(0) + d + c\urm{o} v + d\urm{o} v^2 & v \gt 0 \\ \end{cases} \label{fv} \end{equation} where

$v=$ rate of payout $= \mathrm{d}l_0/\mathrm{d}t$

$d=$ winch drive deadband

$c\urm{i},c\urm{o}=$ winch drive damping terms for haul in and pay out

$d\urm{i},d\urm{o}=$ winch drive drag terms for haul in and pay out

$f(0) = t_\textrm{target} + s\ (l_0-l_{00})$

$s=$ winch drive stiffness

$l_{00}=$ original value of $l_0$ at the start of the simulation (set by the static analysis).

Figure: Tension-control operation for detailed winches

If the winch inertia $m$ is non-zero, then the winch wire tension is calculated according to equation (\ref{dynamics}) above, and the winch inertia reacts by paying out or hauling in wire according to Newton's law \begin{equation} m \DDt{l_0} = t-f \end{equation} so the wire tension $t$ therefore tends towards the winch drive force $f$ and is hence controlled by the given tension.

If the winch inertia $m$ is zero, then the winch is assumed to be instantly responsive so that \begin{equation} \label{zeroInertia} f = t \qquad \text{at all times} \end{equation} Given the current value of $l_0$, the common value of $f$ and $t$ in this case is then found by solving the simultaneous equations (\ref{dynamics}), (\ref{fv}) and (\ref{zeroInertia}) for the payout rate $v = \mathrm{d}l_0/\mathrm{d}t$. The unstretched length of winch wire out, $l_0$, is then subjected to the calculated payrate $v$ as the simulation progresses.

Note: If the winch inertia is set to zero then at least one of the damping and drag terms $c\urm{o},c\urm{i},d\urm{o},d\urm{i}$ should be non-zero, since otherwise the simultaneous equations (\ref{dynamics}), (\ref{fv}) and (\ref{zeroInertia}) may have no solution. A warning is given if this is not the case.