Vessel data: Applied loads

You can choose to include external applied loads on a vessel in two different forms.

You can apply to the vessel global loads that do not rotate if the vessel rotates. These are given in terms of components of applied force and applied moment with respect to global axes. These components can be constant, vary with simulation time or be given by an external function. If the vessel rotates then the loads do not rotate with it.

In addition, you can specify external local loads that do rotate with the vessel. These are given by the components of applied force and applied moment with respect to local vessel axes. Again these components can be constant, vary with simulation time or be given by an external function. In this case, if the vessel rotates then the loads do rotate with it. This form is suitable for modelling thrusters, for example.

In both cases the point of application of the load is specified by giving its $x,y,z$ coordinates relative to the vessel origin and with respect to vessel axes.

Note: Applied loads, in each degree of freedom, will only affect vessel static position if that degree of freedom is included in the static analysis, and will only affect the motion if the primary motion is set to one of the calculated options which includes that degree of freedom.