P-y models: Data

P-y models are used to specify horizontal soil loads for near-vertical lines that extend beneath the seabed.

You can define one or more named P-y models which can then be associated with individual lines. The P-y model data can be defined as varying with depth beneath the seabed.

Input data for P-y models


Used to refer to the P-y model.

Depth below seabed

The range of depths over which each set of P-y curve data applies. The P-y curve data are treated as constant over this range of depths. However, the two API RP 2A formulations provide load-deflection curves that vary with depth given constant input data.

Model type

One of the following:

Effective unit soil density (soft clay and sand)

The effective density of the soil, equal to the saturated soil density minus the sea water density.

Note: The value specified in OrcaFlex is a density (mass per unit volume), whereas in the API RP 2A code the value is expressed as a weight (force per unit volume).

Undrained shear strength, J, εc (soft clay)

The input parameters to the API RP 2A soft clay model. Note that εc is specified as a percentage strain.

C1, C2, C3, k (sand)

The input parameters to the API RP 2A sand model.

Deflection, resistance (table)

The load-deflection curve in tabulated form.