Log files

OrcaFlex stores the results of a simulation by sampling at regular intervals and storing the samples in a temporary log file. When you save the simulation OrcaFlex writes the data to the simulation file, followed by a copy of the log file, so that the sampled values can be read back in again at a later date. Log files are used internally by OrcaFlex, and are never used directly by the user.

Log file location

By default, the log files are stored in the user's temporary directory. However, the temporary directory may be located on a drive that does not have sufficient free space to accommodate the log files. If this is the case, then the location of the log files can be modified by making changes to the registry. The location of the log files is determined checking the following values, in order, and using the first one that is found:

  1. Per-user registry setting
    Name: Log file location
    Type: REG_SZ
  2. Machine-wide registry setting
    Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Orcina\OrcaFlex
    Name: Log file location
    Type: REG_SZ
  3. The user's temporary directory, as returned by the Windows GetTempPath function.

The machine-wide registry key stated above assumes a 64 bit operating system. On a 32 bit operating system the key would be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Orcina\OrcaFlex

If you do need to specify the log file location, then you should use the machine-wide registry setting if possible, because this will apply to all users.

The user's temporary directory is determined by a checking a number of environment variables, and using the first path found. The first environment variable checked is TMP, and then TEMP. Therefore, a simple way to customise the log file location without modifying the registry, is to create a batch command file (.bat or .cmd) that sets the environment variables, and then starts OrcaFlex. For instance:

set TMP=path\to\temp\directory
set TEMP=%TMP%
start OrcaFlex