Importing wire frame drawing data

It is possible to import wire frame drawing data from certain panel mesh files. The currently supported file formats are:

To import such files, you must specify the data described below and then click the import button. Any existing vertices, edges and panels will be replaced by the imported values.

Note: OrcaFlex removes any duplicate vertices and edges. This is done to improve drawing performance and minimise memory footprint.

Mesh file

The file name of the mesh file to be imported.

Wire frame type

Determines whether the imported wire frame is specified by edges or panels. It is generally preferable to specify the wire frame using panels because this will usually give a better representation of the object in the shaded graphics view. It may be useful to import the mesh as edges if the data needs to be read by an older version of OrcaFlex that does not support wire frames specified by panels.

Mesh format

The format of the mesh file.

Mesh length units

The length units used in the mesh file. OrcaFlex uses this to scale the mesh panels to match the units system of the OrcaFlex model.

Mesh symmetry

Can be one of the following values: none, xz plane, yz plane or xz and yz planes.

Mesh body number

Specifies which body is to be imported, for panel mesh files that support multiple bodies or structures.

Import origin

This data allows OrcaFlex to translate between the OrcaFlex body origin and the mesh file body origin. The import origin defines the location of the mesh file body origin, specified relative to the OrcaFlex body origin.

Import dry panels

Specifies whether to import panels that are above the waterline (dry panels), for panel mesh files that support dry panels.