Environment: Data for Ochi-Hubble spectrum

$\newcommand{\HsL}{H\urm{s1}}$ $\newcommand{\fmL}{f\urm{m1}}$ $\newcommand{\HsH}{H\urm{s2}}$ $\newcommand{\fmH}{f\urm{m2}}$

The Ochi-Hubble formulation allows double peaked spectra to be set up, enabling you to represent sea states that include both a remotely generated swell and local wind-generated waves.

Hs and Tz

$\Hs$ is the significant wave height, $\Tz$ the zero crossing period. The behaviour of these data items is governed by the option for setting the spectral parameters: with the automatic option you define $\Hs$ only, and appropriate spectral parameters and the resulting $\Tz$ value are calculated by OrcaFlex; while the specified option allows you define all the spectral parameters explicitly, and have OrcaFlex calculate the resulting $\Hs\text{ and }\Tz$.

Hs1, fm1, λ1, Hs2, fm2 and λ2

The Ochi-Hubble spectrum is the sum of two component spectra, each of which is specified by a set of three parameters: $\HsL,\fmL,\lambda_1$ for the lower frequency component and $\HsH,\fmH,\lambda_2$ for the higher frequency component.

Parameters $\HsL\text{ and }\HsH$ are the significant wave heights of the component spectra; the overall significant wave height is then $\Hs = (\HsL^2+\HsH^2)^{1/2}$. Parameters $\fmL\text{ and }\fmH$ are the modal frequencies of the two spectra. Finally, $\lambda_1\text{ and }\lambda_2$ are shape parameters that, in each case, control the extent to which the spectral energy is concentrated around the modal frequency – larger values give more sharply-peaked spectra.

These spectral parameters can be given in two ways.

Notes: The modal frequency of the first component, fm1, must be less than that of the second, fm2. It is also recommended that fm2 is greater than 0.096.
The significant wave height of the first component, Hs1, should normally be greater than that of the second, Hs2, since most of the wave energy tends to be associated with the lower frequency component.
Warning: The Ochi-Hubble spectrum makes no allowance for the directionality of the swell and wind components of the sea state but, in reality, the separate components frequently come from different directions. It is therefore more appropriate to model a bi-directional two-peaked sea state using two separate OrcaFlex wave trains, one for the swell component and one for the local wind generated component.