Chain: Axial and bending stiffness

The line type wizard sets up axial and bending stiffness and compression is limited for a chain as follows.

Axial stiffness

We have values for the Young's modulus, for both studlink and studless chains, from catalogue data. Taking $A$ to be the combined cross sectional area of two bars, that is \begin{equation} A = 2 (\pi\,d^2/4) \text{ m$^2$} \end{equation} we obtain, for the axial stiffness \begin{equation} EA = \begin{cases} 0.854{\times}10^8 d^2 \text{ kN} & \text{(studless)} \\ 1.010{\times}10^8 d^2 \text{ kN} & \text{(studlink)} \end{cases} \end{equation}

Bending stiffness

For both studlink and studless chains the bending stiffness is set to zero.

Compression is limited

Consistent with a zero value for bend stiffness, compression is limited for chains.