
Call C_SetTag to add or modify a tag for the specified object.

void C_SetTag(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,


LPCTSTR lpValue,

int *lpStatus



ObjectHandle (IN)

The handle of the object.

lpName (IN)

Points to a null-terminated string containing the name of the tag.

lpValue (IN)

The value of the tag. If the object already has a tag with the specified name, its value will be modified, otherwise a new tag will be added.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode function name is C_SetTagW and the ANSI function name is C_SetTagA.

See also

C_ClearTags, C_DeleteTag, C_DestroyTags, C_GetTag, C_GetTagCount, C_GetTags.